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More than $90,000 donated to community organizations in 2020

More than $90,000 donated to community organizations in 2020

Dear customers,

With this crazy year finally coming to an end, I wanted to take a few minutes to thank you. It was a hell of a ride and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like we're done yet. Despite everything, we will be able to add another 88 000$ to the donations we have made so far to our community partners. All this thanks to you. So many of you visited us in Mile End or at our service points in the on the South Shore and the North Shore, always in a good mood and trying to respect health instructions as much as possible.

Thank you so much for your support during these difficult times for us all. A big thank you to our loyal customers who let people around them know we exist, and thank you to our new customers who discovered the service for the first time this year. You allow us to practice our profession with solidarity while helping fund more than 50 community organizations, which is more important than ever.

Since we all need good news nowadays, here's a very good one: early in 2021, we will reach 1 million in donation since our creation in 2007. This milestone got us a bit dizzy, but we'll have the opportunity to talk about it a bit more next year.

Je termine en vous disant que la COVID-19 n’a pas affaibli notre mission d’offrir des lunettes abordables pour tous. Au contraire, nous allons continuer à aller de l’avant, et nous allons développer de nouveaux partenariats avec d’autres organismes communautaires. D’ailleurs, profitons-en pour régler une question qu’on se fait poser depuis 13 ans : est-ce que le service est réservé aux gens à faible revenu? No! No one is too rich to save. We accept customers who commute as well as those who travel by private jet. We've been saying it for a long time: seeing clearly is not a luxury, it is a necessity!

Wishing you, despite everything, Happy Holidays,

Philippe Rochette, aka le Bonhomme à lunettes