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How to Save Money on Glasses in Granby

Bonhomme à lunettes à Granby en Estrie

When Bonhomme à lunettes was created in 2007, its goal was simple: make glasses affordable for everyone. By keeping operating costs to a minimum and not carrying luxury brands, the Bonhomme à lunette team has been selling affordable glasses and offering tens of thousands of customers great savings ever since. Thanks to word of mouth, our popularity has grown to the point where we now have service points across southern Québec, including Granby in the Eastern Townships.

A Great Success for Bonhomme à lunettes Granby

Granby is the regional capital of the Eastern Townships, so setting up a service point there was a no-brainer. Located in the regional county municipality of Haute-Yamaska, Granby is conveniently located halfway between Montréal (where our headquarters are located) and the City of Sherbrooke. We set up shop there in 2015.

We immediately started collaborating with Centre d’action bénévole de Granby, one of the region’s flagship community organizations founded back in 1967. In just a few weeks, we knew we had made a good move seeing dozens upon dozens of customers coming in to take advantage of our affordable prices, our sound advice, and our excellent customer service.

Since then, we've been dropping in to serve customers at the Centre’s Notre-Dame Street location every Tuesday from 9:30am to 4pm.. Tout ce que vous avez à faire, c’est prendre un rendez-vous et apporter votre prescription. On s’occupe du reste. Les clients ayant fait l’achat de nos lunettes à Granby et des environs peuvent vous le confirmer : nos prix valent le détour et ce, sans pour autant sacrifier sur la qualité ou sur le service.

Other Options to Help You Save

Besides our weekly stops in the Eastern Townships, we’ve set up other service points nearby, including in Saint-Hyacinthe every Wednesday morning and, for those living a bit higher north, in Drummondville (where we drop in every Friday morning). For people in Sherbrooke, a different service modeled on what we do is available to you.

Seeing clearly is not a luxury. As the price of everything else goes up, it's comforting to know that you can save on the purchase of something so essential thanks to an optician who has not only been in business for 15 years… but hasn't raised starting prices in 15 years either.