- Philippe en entrevue à Lagacé le matin au 98.5FM pour parler de Mieux voir pour réussir
- Notre collègue Charles-Etienne en entrevue pour Studio Saint-Jean
- Video portrait by the good people of Quatre95 d’Urbania
- Le magazine La Converse s’est intéressé à notre rôle auprès des personnes marginalisées
- Philippe gave an interview to Les Affaires about the price of glasses
- Well-known magazine L'Actualité asked us: is it possible to keep your old frames?
- Philippe was interviewed for Dans mon univers on CKVL 100,1FM
- Le Droit talks about us and our new service points in Gatineau
- Philippe was on 104.7 Outaouais to discuss our new service points in Gatineau
- Journalist Mathilde Roy stopped by Débout les comiques on CKOI 96.9 to talk about the results of a customer survey by Protégez-Vous about the favourite spots to buy glasses
- In Verdict Santé by Protégez-Vous, a new magazine focusing on health, a huge survey regarding Quebeckers' favourite places to buy classes
- Are you paying too much for your glasses ? Philippe was a guest at l'Effet Normandeau on 98.5
- Seeing beyond profits. That's the title of the report from À vois affaires with Pierre-Luc Zappa broadcasted on LCN, QUB and TVA
- Philippe Rochette meets Philippe Cantin in a radio interview on 98.5FM
- In Le Devoir, Philippe talks about our 15th anniversary and more
- A cool article about us in the webzine Pivot
- Bonhomme à lunettes at l’Assemblée nationale du Québec
- When Philippe makes the front page of The Montreal Gazette
- We welcomed Global Montreal after reaching the 1 million dollar milestone in donations to community organizations.
- Philippe was a guest on Aaron Rand et Natasha Hall on CJAD
- A mention of our 1 million milestone in Univers PME de La Presse
Noovo stopped by Carrefour populaire Saint-Michel to interview Philippe and Gino
- Philippe does an English interview for Broadview magazine
- Philippe meets Catherine Perrin on Du côté de chez Catherine on Ici Première
- An article in Journal Métro to talk about our new service points in Rivière-des-Prairies, Saint-Laurent and Saint-Michel.
- Some people keep saying to anybody who wants to listen that we don’t sell quality glasses. Yet, they are unable to explain why we were recommended by Protégez-vous in their 2019 survey. (see the correction here)
- Do you really need it? When it comes to glasses, the answer is yes Philippe Rochette meets Pierre-Yves McSween for l’Indice McSween on Télé-Québec.
- Philippe Rochette meets David Gutnik. A fascinating radio documentary radio on CBC.
- Philippe wins the l’Association pour la santé publique (ASPQ) prize in the Business category. See his speech here.
- Interview with Philippe for an episode of La Facture on Radio-Canada