At Bonhomme à lunettes, our mission is to make glasses accessible to all. We also do our best to make your experience as easy as possible. Here’s how we do it:
Our work is guaranteed
Since we’re not big on ads and marketing campaigns, we’ve been betting on word of mouth for 15 years. For that to work, it starts with the quality of our work, which is 100% guaranteed. Issues with you frames? We replace them for free. Need adjustments? Come see us, it’s free. Adaptation problems? Give us a call, we’ll find a solution. When we say that seeing clearly is not a luxury, we mean it. We will always try to make sure you are entirely satisfied with your purchase. This commitment to our work is why we’ve been recommended by consumer magazine Protégez-vous!
We have a bad luck special
Have you heard of our #specialbadluck? On top of the guarantees mentioned earlier, we add a little extra for your peace of mind: if you loose or break your glasses, we’ll work something out. The way we see it : we made enough money with the initial purchase. We won’t capitalize on your bad luck to make more. So If bad luck strikes, stay cool and give us a call!
Insurance receipts accepted everywhere
When you purchase glasses, we give you a receipt for your insurance. Since Philippe Rochette is an optician and a member of l’Ordre des opticiens d’ordonnances du Québec, it means your receipt will be accepted by ALL insurance companies operating in Québec. No need to worry when you fill out your claim!
Free glasses for kids 17 and under*
Having glasses won't stop your child from being a child. We know what we're talking about, we have some too. Thanks to the See Better to Succeed program, vous pouvez obtenir three free pairs of glasses for your children 17 and under. Avec trois paires, vous aurez une paix d’esprit supplémentaire quand votre progéniture quittera la maison avec sa nouvelle paire de lunettes!
*After reimbursment